2021 Desertification and Drought Day

2021 Desertification and Drought Day

The 2021 Desertification and Drought Day will be hold on 17 June and the focus will be on turning degraded land into healthy land. 

The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed every year to promote public awareness of international efforts to combat desertification. The day is a unique moment to remind everyone that land degradation neutrality is achievable through problem-solving, strong community involvement and co-operation at all levels.


Restoring degraded land brings economic resilience, creates jobs, raises incomes and increases food security. It helps biodiversity to recover. It locks away the atmospheric carbon warming the Earth, slowing climate change. It can also lessen the impacts of climate change and underpin a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Nearly three-quarters of the Earth’s ice-free land has been altered by humans to meet an ever-growing demand for food, raw materials, highways and homes. Avoiding, slowing and reversing the loss of productive land and natural ecosystems now are both urgent and important for a swift recovery from the pandemic and for guaranteeing the long-term survival of people and the planet.


To celebrate the Day and become aware of our role, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has announced various activities and materials on its official website


Moreover, you can find an interactive map, which shows events around the world to raise awareness of desertification and drought.

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